Nava Sevilla Sadeh, "Vomunt ut Edant, Edunt ut Vomant: Petronius’s Satyricon and Features of Decadence and Victimhood in Sigalit Landau’s Installation – The Dining Hall”, Philosophy Study, Volume 11, Number 5, May 2021, 387-416
Nava Sevilla Sadeh, "Vomunt ut Edant, Edunt ut Vomant: Petronius’s Satyricon and Features of Decadence and Victimhood in Sigalit Landau’s Installation – The Dining Hall”, Philosophy Study, Volume 11, Number 5, May 2021, 387-416
Sigalit Landau is an international sculpture, video, installation, and performance artist, born in Jerusalem, and raised also in the USA and the UK. The infernal main space in her installation “The Dining Hall” (2007, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin) is filled with images resembling human remains engaged in riotous consumption from huge iron pots, in physical circus-like tricks, and copulation, surrounded by huge fleshy-like constructions. While the immediate association may be that of an apocalyptic catastrophe in relation to the Holocaust, the reference is multifaceted, as this study seeks to show.